We have a little secret.
How can the guys at the Healthy Living Centre be keeping secrets? Well, we just have to share if we find something good.
There is a bit of rust that keeps dripping from the top of our shop window down onto our window ledge. It is incredibly hard to clean off every time it appears I tried so many detergents and different ways.
This week I was doing my usual stock check and my eyes catch Lilly’s Degeaser and Descaler on the shelf, I thought that I didn’t tried this one yet. So I took one and went to see does it work. And you know what? I was delighted and relieved when I saw it working straight away!
One spray and the Shopfront was clean. No elbow grease necessary.
Lilly’s Degeaser and Descaler is for cleaning your oven, cooker or microwave and even your Shopfront.
I really love it when a natural product works even better than a chemical laden version. So now you know our little secret: “Lilly fixes a problem at the Healthy Living Centre”
Mar 10, 2014 @ 12:22:27
Thanks for review Kevin, I was looking at this product, but wasn’t sure to get it or not, because didn’t new if it works. I love Lilly’s laundry products and want to try others and change my kitchen detergents to more natural products. Now I am on my way to your shop