Introduction to Meditation First Friday every month 10-11am Donation only
This is a great way to introduce yourself to the benefits of Meditation.
Introduction to Meditation First Friday every month 10-11am Donation only
This is a great way to introduce yourself to the benefits of Meditation.
Mar 16, 2014 @ 20:56:12
Hello there,
I am very interested in signing up for Pilates classes, (I am a complete beginner), Yoga classes and Meditation classes. Are there any places available in the Pilates classes at the moment? I have backache that flairs up from time to time and my physiotherapist recommends Pilates for strengthening my back muscles.
Thanks in anticipation.
Apr 10, 2014 @ 12:34:39
Hi Jean,
New Pilates classes are starting in a couple of weeks. I had passed on your eamil address to Eadaoin (our instructor). If you would like a call from Eadaoin, then email your mobile number and I’ll get her to call you. All the best,