Find out which foods are causing you a problem – in 10 minutes.
Come along this Wednesday 22nd for a free allergy test. Learn about the major food groups and what you can do to improve your health. Our expert practitioner Marianne Madden will be here to run through the different foods in a mini allergy test.
Each Allergy Test will take 10 minutes.
Starting at 11am on Wednesday 22 nd October.
Appointments by booking only.
Marianne is a qualified in:
- Nurse / Midwife
- Reflexologist
- Therapist in Vega Testing protocol
- Phytotherapy
kyra Laughlin
Oct 22, 2014 @ 07:25:28
I would love to get this done what a wonderful offer of a free allergy testing. Kyra
Oct 22, 2014 @ 11:58:04
Sorry Kyra, all booked up for today – We’ll be doing it again in January